Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Saturday, October 10, 2015

California Roadtrip Continues (movies 2)

California Roadtrip Continues (movies 1)

California Roadtrip Continues

With Mom on maternity leave, we decided it was time for some fun.  The Carpenter Clan rented the worlds biggest SUV and hit the California cost for 19 days.  We started in San Diego and worked our way up the cost visiting, San Diego, Los Angeles, Orange County, Santa Barbara, Solvang, San Louis Obispo, Monterey, San Francisco, Napa (with two children in tow), Yosemite and Disneyland.    

It was a long trip and we were happy to be back home and not living in our giant SUV, but it was a trip Mom and I will cherish forever -- spending time with our girls and seeing our beautiful country.