Saturday, July 9, 2016

Emma and Daddy go for an Elephant ride

Emma and Daddy went for an Elephant ride at the Renaissance fair.  When Daddy was Emmas age, he also went for an elephant ride, but the elephant reached up with his trunk and took off Daddys shoes and proceeded to eat it.  The handler was able to get the shoe back but it was decided with all the slobber and chew marks, the elephant could keep it.  Emma was spared this traumatic life event :)

Saturday, July 2, 2016


Kate loves her big sister.  She follows her around the house grunting and wanting to play.  Emma regularly puts her in a head lock and rolls on top of her.  Kate is one tough little girl.  She screams at Emma and tries to chase her down.

Last week the girls decided to start holding hands when the family was driving.  They came up with this all on their own.